German FrameNet

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Creating a German FrameNet

FrameNet is one of the most amazing lexical resources for English ( In order to spread knowledge on how to set up FrameNets for other languages we're collecting information on how the set-up of German FrameNet at UT Austin is taking place (see This will hopefully help others with setting up FrameNets for other languages. In addition, we're blogging other FrameNet-related information.

The idea to build a German FrameNet grew out of my stay with the Berkeley FrameNet group from 1999-2001. Since then, I've thought about different ways of creating FrameNets for other languages (see, for example: Hans C. Boas. 2005. Semantic Frames as Interlingual Representations for Multilingual Lexical Databases. In: International Journal of Lexicography 18.4, 445-478).


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